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Part L prehension ( 25%)
Section A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In this section, you are going to hear a passage. The passage will he read only once. As you listen to the passage, fill in the blanks with the words you hear. After the passage, there will be a 3-minute pause. During the pause, you must write the words on the Answer Sheet.
A recent university research project investigated the attitudes of postgraduate science students (1) ____the learning of English vocabulary. The results were urprising. I'll (2) ____three of them.
firstly, most of the stcrdeaats think that (3) ____every word ill English has just one meaning. This is, of course:, completely (4) ____to the facts. A glance at any English dictionary will show this. The student will (5) ____find seven or eight meanings listed for (6) ____simple' words.
Why, then, have these students made such a mistake:' One reason irnay be that they're .ill (7) ____. students. Scientists try to use words ill their special subject which have one meaning, and one meaning only. Another reason., of course,could be the way in Which these Student, Were They may have used vocabulary lists when they first learner English. (M one side of the page is the word in Iaaglish-, on the other sloe, a single \ti'ord in the (Q) native language.
'l°he second attitude that (10) ____from the findings is
equally mistaken. (11) ____all the students think that every word in English has an exact (12) ____equivalent. Again, this is far from the trijth. Sometimes one word in Iinglish can only be translated by a (13) ____in the student's native languial c. "there are other (l4) ____ill translation which we won't mention here. (:ertainly the idea
of a one word for one word translation (15) pletely false. Translation machines, which trie


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