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上传人:aluyuw1 2018/8/13 文件大小:298 KB




班级: 学号: 姓名: 分数:
一、Dialogue Reading(30%)
Direction: You are asked to read a dialogue from the text book. You can choose one of the dialogues and you should read it smoothly and correctly.
Dialogue 1 Giving Information
J=Jane (Concierge) S= Stephen Nobel (Guest)
S: Good morning. Can I ask you something?
J: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?
S: Well. I’m planning to take a friend of mine to dinner. You see, we both love spicy Chinese dishes. I’m wondering if you could mend to me a good local restaurant where I can find some good spicy local dishes.
J: I’d love to, if spicy local dishes are what you are looking for, there is no other place in the whole city that’ll please your appetite better than the Sichuan Restaurant. The restaurant serves very good and spicy local dishes. You might want to try there.
S: How far is it from here?
J: It is quite a distance from here. I would suggest that you take a taxi there.
S: Thank you. But do you mind writing down the name of the restaurant on this piece of paper so that I can show it to the taxi-driver?
J: Yes. Here you are.
S: One more thing, do you have any idea how much we should pay the taxi-driver for the trip?
J: RMB25 to RMB30 would be plenty to cover it.
S: Thank you for the information. Have a nice day!
J: Thanks and you, too.
Dialogue 2 Checking out in Traveler’s Check
J=Jane (


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