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上传人:zhoubingchina1 2018/8/15 文件大小:78 KB




1. Suppose you have a baseball. You're to throw it with all your might and have it stop e back to you. How can you do this thing with the ball without using any other objects?
2. Suppose I give you an egg. Now, standing right where you are on this hard wooden floor, how could you drop that egg three feet without breaking the shell?
3. Two fathers and two sons went hunting. They shot three rabbits. Yet each took home one rabbit. how was that possible?
4. You're the pilot of an airplane that flies from New York to Chicago --- a distance of 740 miles. The plane goes 200 miles. The plane goes 200 miles an hour. It makes one stop for 30 minutes. What's the pilot's name?
5. After a man was given a gun and blindfolded, someone hung up his hat. The man paced off 100 yards, turned around and shot a bullet through his hat. How was that possible?
6. Suppose you wanted a log cut up. You called a workman who said he would charge 50 cents to cut it into two pieces, but you want the log cut into four pieces. How much would the workman charge?
baseball will stop e back to you without hitting anything --- if you throw it straight up in the air.
2. Drop the egg from a height of four fee. It will drop three feet without breaking. After that, what a mess!
3. There were only three people hunting: a boy, his father, and his grandfather. The boy's father, of course, was the son of the grandfather.
4. Well, you're the pilot. What did you say your name was?
5. The man's hat was hung over the end of his gun.
6. First the workman would cut the log into two pieces. Then he'd cut each of these pieces in two. He would make a total of three cuts. At 50 cent a cut, that would be '.
1 How do we know that the play has a happy ending?
2 How can a girl have been eleven on her last birthday, and be thirteen next birthday?
3 How can a hat talk?
4 How do Eskimos(爱斯基摩人) dress?
5 How do mountain climbers break up with their boyfr


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