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Unit One TEXT I Hit the Nail on the Head 英语课件.ppt

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Unit One TEXT I Hit the Nail on the Head 英语课件.ppt

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Unit One TEXT I Hit the Nail on the Head 英语课件.ppt



文档介绍:Unit One TEXT I Hit the Nail on the Head 恰到好处;一语中的)
Time allotment: ( 9 periods) (the first 3 periods)
Teaching aims:
Students shall have a general idea of the text, background knowledge.
Main and difficult teaching points:
* The main idea
* Background knowledge
* Organization of the Text
I. Pre-reading Questions
1. Suggested Answer (SA): It means exactly right in words or action.
2. SA: The author advises that the English students should try to get the words, phrases and pletely right for their purposes in their writing.
I       Pre-reading Brainstorming:
1)     What does the proverb “Hit the nail on the head” mean?
It means exactly right in words or action
l Note: Hit the (right) nail on the head: be exactly right in words   or action (说/做得对;正中要害,一针见血,中肯)
. Your analysis really hit the nail on the head.
2)     Why does the author encourage people to “Hit the nail on the head” mean?
The author advises that the English students should try to get the words, phrases and pletely right for their purposes in their writing
III. Library Work
1. 1) Gustave Flaubert (1821 – 1880), French novelist, was associated with, though not representative of, the movement of naturalism and known as one of the greatest realists of 19th-century France. He devoted his life to long hours spent in heavy toil over his work. His writing is marked by exactness and accuracy of observation, extreme impersonality and objectivity of treatment, and precision and expressiveness in style, or the principle of the mot juste.
1. 2) Mrs. Malaprop is a famous character in Sheridan’edy The Rivals (1775). She is noted for her blunders in the use of words. “As headstrong(不受管束的) as an allegory(比方;寓言) (alligator) on the banks of the Nile” is one of her grotesque(荒唐的)misapplications. She also requests that no delusions(欺骗;迷惑)(allusions) to the past be made. She has given us the word malapropism(用词错误,尤指误用发音相似而意义全非的词)as a name for such mistakes.
2. Hindi(印地语)is a literary and