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农事时令谚语(Farming proverb).doc

上传人:xinsheng2008 2018/8/30 文件大小:40 KB


农事时令谚语(Farming proverb).doc


文档介绍:农事时令谚语(Farming proverb)
Farming proverb
It rains in March and has to go down in February.
Jujube bud, cotton.
March Qingming elm is not famous. February Qingming old elm. (Yu: Atriplex)
Eight, ten, March wheat harvest rain.
Three judges have no three sockets, and the field is not full.
Spring e early and food can not be eaten.
A year at both ends of spring, with a corner like gold.
Spring rain is as precious as oil, there are no worries about the rain.
Qingming early, late summer, cotton is timely rain.
Wheat grain in ear Valley to the autumn dew after digging sweet potatoes.
Before and after the Qingming Festival, grow melons and beans.
Xiaoman Gou flower (cotton), ten years and nine blind.
In April before the cooked wheat, wheat in May.
May Dragon Boat rain insects. June 6th rain destroyed the disaster.
Money is difficult to buy in May drought, June even Yin full meal.
Night rain, white sunny, dozen food nowhere.
On June, the Dragon King must not rest.
V in soybean, refers to not.
Turnip head two volt food, dog days in buckwheat.
Geng Fu Tao received peach, white peach, autumn sit often pull (of cotton peach) grain
Volts rain slanting, volts rain pick (read k6u), with volts rain, sorrow.
The eighteen day, grass seed node.
In July thirteen, half bordeaux.
In July fifteen August fifteen Bordeaux buttocks, .
As early as the late autumn dew, dew, wheat species is timely.
The beginning of autumn rain, 100 days without frost.
Two August thunder, everywhere thief (insect)
Snow land, snow up.
It does not fall in stocks, such as a cover. (of wheat)
Thick grain, weak wheat, annoying people.
The continuous cropping Valley, keep crying.
Nine mature, ten mature, ten mature, 10% lost.
Hoe grilled too often, cotton white silver.
Add an inch to the plough, and top a crop of dung.
A loud, long dunghill.
Three drum drum wall soil.
19, 29 mountain hands, 3949 Ling walk on the 5969 along the river to see Liu, where 79 were open and eight or nine


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