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文档介绍:The Cat and the Owl
Storyteller: A cat is standing on a wall under a tree. He is looking up. An owl is sitting in the tree. She is looking down from there. They look and look at each other. Then they begin to talk.
Owl: Hello! Who are you?
Cat: Hi! Who rare you?
Owl: You look like ME.
Cat: You look like ME!
Owl Cat: Oh, yes! We look like each other!
Owl: What can you do, sir?
Cat: I can see in the dark.
Owl: Me too. And I can catch mouse. Can you?
Cat: Sure! Can you say mew, mew?
Owl: Mo, I can't. But I can fly. Can you fly?
Cat: No, I can't. But I can run. What are you then?
Owl: I am an owl. And you?
Cat: I'm a cat.
Owl: Glad to meet you!
Cat: Nice to meet you!
The Hare and the Tortoise
H: Good morning, Mr. Tortoise.
T: Oh, it's you, Mr. Hare. Good morning!
H: What are you doing?
T: I'm running.
H: Running? Ha ha ha!
Can you run? Your legs are too short!
T: Of course I can.
H: My legs are long. I can run faster than you.
T: Don't be so sure.
H: Well then. Let's run to the tall tree over there. Let's see who can get there first.
T: All right. Ready? Go!
Storyteller: Tortoise goes very slowly. But Mr. Hare runs very fast. Soon es to a small tree.
H: Where is Mr. Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He's far behind me. How slow he is! Mmm, it's so hot! Here is a tree. I'll have a short sleep first.
T: Oh, hi is sleeping under the tree there. But I can't stop. I must go on.
H: Ah! What a nice sleep! Let me go on. Oh, where's Mr. Tortoise? Where is he now? I must hurry.
Storyteller: Soon he runs to
On the first of April, it may be a good idea to look the other way if you see a purse lying on the sidewalk. Chances are it will be empty and you will be called an "April Fool" for picking it up. In France, April first is called the day of "April Fish". Children may receive a gift of chocolate fish for their tricks. India celebrates its spring festival of Holi, ending toward the end of March, in which tricks and pranks also play a part.