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上传人:miao19720107 2018/9/6 文件大小:213 KB




关键词: 残疾人,社区参与,社区保障
Living in munity of persons with disabilities as a group of one such, they are in urgent need is what we should be concerned about and should help social groups. As our fellow citizens with disabilities enjoy the same rights and obligations of citizens, but because of their disability, in daily life and work, often at the bottom, there is not petitive advantage. Security Research munity participation of persons with disabilities, disabled persons to munity
development, protect and improve the livelihood of the important content, but also the current hot and difficult social lies.
 China's current nearly 90 million people with disabilities, they are due to the physical or psychological disorder leads to difficult for them to equal participation and inclusion in social life, most people with disabilities are heavily dependent family care. Studies munity services for persons with disabilities to build the base unit supplied with disabilities service system, and as early as 2010, the State proposes to accelerate the social security system and service system for persons with disabilities requires more attention to people's livelihood of persons with disabilities, community rarely. The study development process and demand characteristics of persons with disabilities munity service analysis and study of the city to carry munity work well done of munity case studies, with a development concept to guide the study of persons with disabilities, and to find a good experience problem, trying


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