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Part II Structure (15 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.
Section A
Directions: In this section, there are 10 plete sentences. You are required plete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much.
A) without
B) despite
C) with
D) for
17. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.
A) which
B) why
C) what
D) how
18. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.
A) As
B) Since
C) While
D) Unless
19. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager.
A) that
B) which
C) what
D) whether
20. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time.
A) will fish
B) finished
C) finish
D) shall finish
21. Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black?
A) which
B) whose
C) that
D) its
22. ________ in pany for three years, Mark has e experienced in business negotiations.
A) Having worked
B) Have been working
C) Have worked
D) Worked
23. Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document.
A) she realized
B) did she realize
C) she did realize
D) does she realize
24. John had never been abroad before, ________ he found the business trip very exciting.
A) because
B) though
C) so
D) while
25. ________ some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.
A) Since
B) While
C) Because
D) If
Section B
Directions: There are 10 plete statemen


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