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文档介绍:Mobile Phones Bring Insurance to Kenyan Farmers Kenyan farmers can now insure some of the costs of growing crops against bad weather by using mobile phone technology that links solar-powered weather stations to an pany. By Reuters More from this author  12, 2010
March 12, 2010
* Mobile technology links weather stations with insurers
Related Resources
Next-Generation Affinity Insurance Marketing via the Web
Using Barcodes to Improve Insurance Processes
Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Builds Highly Efficient Business with CSC’s Systems, BPO Services
* Compensation for the cost of inputs after bad weather
* Product limited to products from Syngenta, partners
ELDORET, Kenya, March 12 - Kenyan farmers can now insure some of the costs of growing crops against bad weather by using mobile phone technology that links solar-powered weather stations to an pany.
Farmers can cover the cost of seeds, fertilisers and pesticides at local agricultural supply shops by paying an extra 5 percent of their value. If their harvest fails due to bad weather they are reimbursed and can plant again.
For now, the policy only covers wheat and maize and is available for the agricultural inputs of Syngenta and two Kenyan partners supplying seeds and fertilizer not sold by the Swiss pany. panies in turn subsidise some of the insurance costs.
"Last year, when I took out the insurance poli


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