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上传人:miaoshen1985 2018/9/14 文件大小:113 KB




译文题目 munity Power Of Distribution in Yandu Of yancheng
2012 年 3 月 3日
Power munity Distribution To Design
ABSTRACT The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers The l0kV electric is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry business and daily-life For the electric power allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability but dont consider that its self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliableTo improve the reliability of the power work we must increase the investment cost of work construction But if the cost that improve the reliability of work construction but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economicbetween the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on and the loss brought from power-off
KEYWORDS power supply and distribution power distribution pensation load distribution
The revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round constructionwhich is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment Especially bination of the information technique and electric power technique to great ex- tent has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of work On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electric knowledge the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following
Firstly This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation DA and brings forward two typical construction mode


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