文档介绍:English Lexicology
Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.
------Wilkins (1972)
No matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how essfully he masters the sounds of L2, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in that language cannot happen in any meaningful way.
-------McCarthy (1990)
0. 1 Nature and Domain of English Lexicology
Lexicology: a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, heir semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.
0. 2 Sub branches of Lexicology and Relevant Branches of linguistics
Morphology: branch of grammar which studies the structures or forms of words, primarily through the use of morpheme constructer, focusing on the inflections of words and word formation and examine how morphemes bined to form words and words to form sentences.
Etymology: the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. Modern English is derived from the languages of early Germanic tribes with a fairly small vocabulary. We shall study how this small vocabulary has grown into a huge modern English vocabulary (over 1 million) and explain the changes that have taken place in the forms and meanings of words.
Semantics: the study of meanings of different language levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc. But lexicology will focus on the lexical level, the types of meanings and sense relations such as polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonym, hyponymy, and semantic field all belong to the scope of semantic study and constitute an important part of lexicology.
Stylistics: the study of style. It’ s concerned with the user’ s choices of linguistic elements in a particular context for special effects. Among the areas of study: lexis, phonology, syntax, grap