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有氧运动和无氧运动有什么区别(what's the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise).doc

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有氧运动和无氧运动有什么区别(what's the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise).doc

上传人:cai.li.bin 2018/9/17 文件大小:36 KB


有氧运动和无氧运动有什么区别(what's the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise).doc



文档介绍:有氧运动和无氧运动有什么区别(What's the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise)
Human movement requires energy, and if es from aerobic metabolism within the cell (aerobic oxidation), it is aerobic exercise; but if es from anaerobic glycolysis, it is anaerobic exercise. Aerobic metabolism, fully oxidized 1 mol glucose, can produce 38 ATP (energy per unit of energy); while in anaerobic glycolysis, 1 mol of glucose produced only 2 ATP. Aerobic exercise, glucose metabolism, produce water and carbon dioxide, can easily be excreted through breathing, harmless to the human body. However, the production of large amounts of pyruvate, lactic acid and other intermediate metabolites during glycolysis can not be eliminated by respiration. These acidic products accumulate in cells and blood, became "fatigue toxins", will make people feel fatigue, muscle pain, breathing and heartbeat will appear and arrhythmia, severe acidosis and will increase the burden on the liver and kidney. Therefore, after anaerobic exercise, people will always be tired, muscle pain will last for a few days to disappear.
Easy exercise is not aerobic exercise
Slight movement is not aerobic exercise, and it can not achieve the purpose of exercise. Only by achieving aerobic exercise at a certain intensity can exercise the cardiopulmonary circulation function and improve people's physical, stamina and potential ability to metabolize. It is the most valuable exercise. That is, aerobic exercise is meaningful when it reaches or approaches its upper limit. And the limit of this limit is different for everyone.
How to master the essentials and scales of aerobic exercise?
The warm-up before - moves every movement is needed before a warm-up process of preparing activities, joint ligament, stretching limbs, waist muscle. Then start from low intensity exercise and gradually move into a moderate intensity exercise state.
- close to but not exceeding "target rate" in general, 170 age target heart rate value. I