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文档介绍:1:Anyway, he's a darling old man. 可爱的老人。(darling: adj. 可爱的)
2:Aw, be a pal. 友善点吧。(pal: n. <口>好朋友, 伙伴, 同志)
3:Don't get all tense and soft. Come in. 请别见怪。进来。
4:This is some party. Who are all these people, anyhow? 派对很热闹,他们是谁?(some: [美口]那很不错, 那好极啦)
5:I have no head for figures at all. 我对数字毫无概念。(have no head for: 在某方面缺少天分)
6:You might think the average person going 14 wouldn't know her own mind. 你会以为十四岁的人不太懂事。(know one's own mind: )
7:Do you think she's handsomely paid? 你认为她收入多吗?(handsomely: 慷慨地, 优厚地)
8:It's sufficient to say, I'e to make up. 我是来和解的。(make up: )
9:It isn't that I
give a hoot about jewelry, except diamonds, of course. 当然,我不是蔑视珠宝,钻石除外。(give a hoot / care a hoot: 对…全然漠视;not give a hoot for: 满不在乎, 瞧不起, 认为一钱不值)
10:They wouldn't feel it beneath them or anything? 这不会贬低店子的声誉吗?(beneath: 不值得, 不足取; 有失...的身分, 有损于(尊严等);例: A. It was beneath me to 。B. It would be beneath him to do that. 他做那件事未免有失身分。)
e on. Don't be chicken, you've never done it, and it's your turn. 来吧,别畏首畏尾,现在该由你试试。(chicken:【俚语】害怕的;胆小的)
12:Pull over here. 请停在那儿。(pull over: 把(车)靠在路边;(车辆)停在路边)
1:You take off for the powder room. That's the last I see you. 你去了女厕接着我就见不到你。
     powder room: n.〈雅〉化妆间(指公共建筑中的女厕所)
2:You disturb me! You must have a key made! 这骚扰到我!你要配把新钥匙!
      have sth done: 让某人做某事 
      例:have one's hair cut (请人)理发
     另外还有:have sb do sth / get sb do sth / se