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文档介绍:Unit 3 Money market
Questions of Unit Three:
1、What is the money market? and what functions does it have?
2、What are the principal instruments in the . money market?
3、What are Fed funds? and what is Fed funds rate?
4、How to distinguish among bills, notes and bonds?
Unit 3 Money market
Questions of Unit Three:
5、What is Eurodollar?
6、What is CD? How did it originate?
7、What features does the CD’s interest rate have?
8、What is CP? and how can issuers realize permanent funding with this instrument?
Terms and Paraphrasing:
Surplus: a. 过剩的;,顺差,盈余

people have large sums of surplus cash.
houses are being sold because they are surplus to
industries have absorbed 50% surplus work force.
If a country has a trade surplus ,it exports more than it imports.
If a country has a budget surplus, it has spent less than it
received in taxes. a surplus of sth:某物过剩
Trade surplus:贸易顺差 budget surplus:预算盈余
liquidity(fluidity) surplus:流动性过剩
Terms and Paraphrasing:
deficit: ;逆差;亏损;亏空;不足
A deficit is the amount by which something is less than
what is required or expected.
Budget deficit:预算赤字 trade deficit:贸易逆差
A deficit of 1 billion francs: 10亿法朗的赤字
To cover the deficit:弥补赤字=to make up the deficit
The balance of payment is in deficit .国际收支逆差
=A deficit in the balance of payment.
=Balance of payment deficit.
Terms and Paraphrasing:
deficit: ;逆差;亏损;亏空;不足
A deficit is the amount by which something is less than what is required or expected.
Budget deficit:预算赤字
A deficit of 1 billion francs: 10亿法朗的赤字
To cover the deficit:弥补赤字=to make up the deficit
The balance of payment is in deficit .国际收支逆差
To move funds from sectors with surplus funds to those
In a deficit position.
Terms and Paraphrasing:
neutral: ,中性的,平静的,平淡的;,中立国
If a person or country adopts a neutral position or remains
neutral,they don’t support anyone in a disagreement, war or contest.
A neutral is someone who is ne