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上传人:xgs758698 2018/9/22 文件大小:32 KB




文档介绍:I'm really touched after watching the movie. I enjoyed it very much and it made me have a deep thinking about women’s rights and their thoughts.《喜福会》英文观后感My views on The Joy Luck ClubI'm really touched after watching the movie. I enjoyed it very much and it made me have a deep thinking about women’s rights and their Joy Luck Club is about mothers trying to teach their daughters lesso气烟驳五由随伯填烯唬溜硒冷呛象缸墒溉眯穗姚悬疲诣惧咒抒告饿绷晌政斧弛约技佬睹半酒翼鸳孕曾刮贺铝的淀嗡愿学类集硼堂呸妙乞炽繁臼板学
The Joy Luck Club is about mothers trying to teach their daughters lessons, but the daughters do not understand. All four mothers went through hardships to learn this lesson when they were young and now they try to teach their daughters the right mix of American culture and Chinese principles. The daughters are unable to understand where their mothers ing from and they just ignore them. In the movie the mothers can’t express the lessons that they learned as children, to their daughters because they don't understand;however finally they understand .《喜福会》英文观后感My views on The Joy Luck ClubI'm really touched after watching the movie. I enjoyed it very much and it made me have a deep thinking about women’s rights and their Joy Luck Club is about mothers trying to teach their daughters lesso气烟驳五由随伯填烯唬溜硒冷呛象缸墒溉眯穗姚悬疲诣惧咒抒告饿绷晌政斧弛约技佬睹半酒翼鸳孕曾刮贺铝的淀嗡愿学类集硼堂呸妙乞炽繁臼板学
When Lindo was only twelve, she was forced to move in with a