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上传人:一花一世 2018/9/24 文件大小:298 KB





协同萃取就是在两种或两种以上萃取剂组成地多元素萃取体系中,金属离子地萃取分配比D协显著大于每一萃取剂在相同条件下单独使用时地分配比之和D加合,,若D协小于D加合则为反协同,如两值相等,(Cyanex 923)与酸性膦酸萃取剂二(2,4,4-三***)膦酸(P204):
(2)研究了 Cyanex 923 与P204混合体系对Ce(IV)、F(I)、Ce(III)及Ce(IV)-(IV) 923与P204确定两种萃取剂有最大协萃效应时地分配比,并探讨萃取机理.
关键词: Cyanex923,协同萃取,Ce,F
Researh on the characters of cerium and fluorine synergistic extraction with Cyanex923 anophosphoric acids extractant
Guo Hongfei
Class 0602, Environmental Science, School of Environmental and Biological Engineering,
Liaoning Shihua University, Liaoning Fushun,113001
Synergistic extraction means that the extraction distribution ratio Dsynergistic in the multielement posed by two or more extractant is much more than that of Dadduct with single extractant using in the same condition. Namely the extractant system is regarded to have synergistic effect. On the contrary, the system was regard to have anti- synergistic effect, if Dsynergistic is smaller that Dadduct and no synergistic effect when they are equal. The synergistic extraction of Ce and F with a neutral extractant named three alkylated phosphine oxide (Cyanex923) and a kind anophosphoric acid extractant named bi-(2, 4, 4- trimethyl) phosphinic acid (P204) has been investigated. The following aspects were included in the thesis:
(1) The extraction of Ce(IV), Ce(III), F(I) and Ce(IV)-F mixed solution with Cyanex923 and P204 alone was studied to determine whether the ions could be extracted by Cyanex923 and P204 or not.
(2) The synergistic characters of Ce(IV), Ce(III), F(I) and Ce(IV)-F mixed solution with mixture of Cyanex 923 and P204 was investigated to make sure the ions with synergistic extraction. The synergistic increasing factors were calculated. The distribution rat


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