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上传人:marry201208 2018/9/26 文件大小:33 KB




Low brand gasoline instead of high brand gasoline should be used to delay the ignition of the ignition in order to prevent the explosion.
The radial tyre has the advantage of rolling resistance and carrying pared to regular tyres.
3 a crank pin and the crankshaft on both ends of the shaft make a crank.
The braking device is divided into two kinds: hydraulic and pneumatic.
The effect of the shock absorber is to use the resistance of the fluid flow to accelerate the vibration of the attenuated body to improve the smoothness of the car.
The basis for the number of people in the transportation enterprise is the total amount of work and the efficiency of one's work.
Among the emission pollutants of diesel engines, coal ash and nitrogen oxide are the main pollutants.
Technology measurement is the method that USES more when setting labor quota.
The vehicle fleet requires the driver to drive in the order of the front and back groups.
The main regulations that must be followed during the period of the walking and closing period include the reduction of load, speed limit and correct driving.
Control exhaust air pollution, mainly from fuel, oil, engine and exhaust gas.
Automobile exhaust emissions are related to engine type and engine performance.
The English abbreviation for brake antilock system is ABS.
Common throttle position sensors are related, sliding r