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文档介绍:Famine in Africa
Emergency Meeting Held on Horn of Africa Famine and Drought 针对的是非洲之角饥荒与干旱的紧急会议召开
The munity held an emergency meeting in Rome Monday on the famine and drought in the Horn of Africa. Representatives from the G20, . agencies and NGOs warned the crisis could spread if action is not taken now.
In parts of Somalia, drought, high food prices and conflict bined to bring famine.“Famine is not a word we use lightly. The last time we did so in Somalia was 19 years ago,” Valarie Amos is . Under-Secretary General and Emergency Relief Coordinator. “Famine reflects extreme foodshortages, severe malnutrition营养不良 on a massive scale and spiraling螺旋(形);螺线;蜷线 mortality rates. We must respond now before thousands more lose their lives. This is the gravest food crisis in the world and the numbers are getting worse.”
of Africa is affecting 12 million people. While The . estimates估计,估量 the food crisis in the Horn famine has been declared in two Somali regions – Lower Shabelle and southern Bakool – Amos warns it could quickly spread to the rest of southern Somalia and neighboring countries."This will not be a short crisis. The United Nations and its partners fully expect to be dealing with this situation for at least the next six months.”The urgency of the Somali situation was stressed


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