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并把这个指标做为胎儿生长的重要指 课件.ppt

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并把这个指标做为胎儿生长的重要指 课件.ppt



文档介绍:Patent information - promoting innovation through co-operation
Richard Flammer
Principal Director, Patent Information and European Co-operation
17 September 2010
Main messages today
Patent information is fundamental to the patent system
Patents and patent information are all about stimulating innovation
Patents offices must use all means at their disposal to ensure effective use of patent information
Disclosure is a basic feature of the patent system and increasingly in the spotlight.
Patent information - fundamental to the system
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Article 12(1):
"Each country of the Union undertakes to establish a special industrial property service and a central office for munication to the public of patents, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks."
Etymology of the word "patent"1
"Anglo-Norman and Middle French patent (c1260 in Anglo-Norman; 1330-2 in Middle French) and its etymon classical Latin patent-, pat[e]ns open, lying open, unobstructed, wide, broad, readily accessible, clear, obvious, use as adjective of present participle of pat[e]re to be open"
1. Source: Oxford English Dictionary online ()
Patent information - fundamental to the system
the foundation of today's patent law (Paris Convention)
the meaning of the word "patent" itself
... are all about getting information on new inventions into the public domain
Patents stimulating innovation?
Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, empowers the United States Congress:
“to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
("Promote the progress of science ..."