人力资源管理是当前备受企业管理领域关注的热点之一, 人力资源管理系统设计和开发正在越来越受到企业管理的重视, 企业人力资源管理是企业管理的一个重要的内容,如今企业也逐渐变得庞大起来。如何管理好企业内部员工信息,成为企业管理中的一个大的问题。在这种情况下,一个可以规范化、自动化的企业人力管理系统就显得非常重要。目前, 如何利用最新的互联网编程技术生成高效可靠的人力资源管理解决方案业已成为计算机行业中的热点问题。Microsoft Visual Studio 正是这种技术之一,由 Microsoft 公司推出。战略的一部分,它是一套完善的构建新一代网络应用以及桌面应用的程序语言和开发工具的集合。 架构(.NET Framework )中的类库、完善的集成开发环境(IDE)、灵活丰富程序语言的强大功能以及相应的数据库技术可以很简便地构造出新型、高效、分布式的人力资源管理解决方案。本文从实际需求出发,结合当前研究与开发的前沿技术与实施理念,设计开发了人力资源管理系统。该系统实现了公告信息管理、职位管理、部门管理、员工管理等功能。
Human resources management is one of the most hot spot in the realm of enterprise manage. The design and development of human resources management is important for business management. Human resources management is an important content of business management. Enterprise has been bigger and bigger recently, how to manage employee's information es a big problem of the business enterprise management .In this case, a human resources management which is normal and automatic has been more and more important for enterprise management. Currently, how to use the latest programming technology to build reliable and efficient human resource management solutions industry has e puter industry the hot issues. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 is just one of such techniques, which was released by Microsoft Corporation. As a part of Microsoft .NET strategy, it is a perfect aggregation of programming language and development tools, and can be used to construct new generation applications work and desktop. It is very easy to create a new efficient and distributed resolution for the human resource management by utilizing the powerful functions of class library in .NET Framework,the perfect IDE(Integration Development Environment),the flexible and abundant programming languages, and the corresponding database technique in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. For the actual needs, with the research and devel