文档介绍:生态建设| 24
Research on Planning Method of Urban Ecological Essential Line
刘晟呈文章编号1673-8985(2012)06-0024-06 中图分类号TU981 文献标识码A
基础之上,(土地利用土地覆被)土地分类法, ANDERSON(基于遥感数据的土地利用/地表覆盖分类系统)分类法,
Abstract For a long time, about pilation and the management implementation of urban ecological space planning, because the
concept of urban ecological land is the fuzzy definition theoretical horizon on its connotation is difficult to integration, urban
planning management lack of effective measures of planning, examination and approval, and the implementation management
on urban ecological land use, resulting the ecological space has increasingly threatened, the ecological environment is very
fragile situation in our country. In 2012, the new urban land classification has implemented, highlight ecological value of the
land, but it is still not clear ecological land types. This paper is based on this, and the situation of ecological environment
in Tianjin on the basis of investigation, using the , the ANDERSON, and the CORINE land classification methods,
combined with Tianjin