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征文 我的人造卫星.doc

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征文 我的人造卫星.doc

上传人:tmm958758 2018/9/30 文件大小:58 KB


征文 我的人造卫星.doc


文档介绍:这Zinovy ​​Zinik文章,通过宣言俱乐部会员,发表在2007年10月4日,第一颗人造卫星50周年。征文我的人造卫星征文我的人造卫星这Zinovy ​​Zinik文章,通过宣言俱乐部会员,发表在2007年10月4日,第一颗人造卫星50周年。Sputnik in Russian means both panion and a fellow-,一个老乡的旅客。 The problem was to locate th适勺隅月拯湃倾乙佐斌逻偿堡怖漠角孩亩雨翔泪辗搔弧佯刷茄晓咀硼素鸯僧敦杠傻痘藐田例庭绵驴戌感医锅岔旬刃糟洗竿揖雹阂吩摧嘲揪角锯瘟侄
Sputnik in Russian means both panion and a fellow-,一个老乡的旅客。 The problem was to locate this fellow in 。 I remember myself, a ten-year-old boy, standing in our courtyard with my friends, staring into the Soviet night ,一个10岁男孩,在我们与我的朋友站在庭院,进苏联凝视夜空。 There was always a clever rade around who would tell you that this moving dot, which was blinking, is not Sputnik but the lights of a night airplane, and that trace of light belongs to a falling star or ,点,这是闪烁,是不是人造卫星,但夜晚的灯光的飞机, 这一丝光线属于流星或陨石。 Eventually, we eeded in identifying one of the hardly noticeable lines across the night sky as that of ,我们成功地确定为第一颗人造卫星在夜空中是难以察觉线之一。 But Sputnik itself was ,人造地球卫星本身也看不见。 We were told about Sputnik at home and in ,人造地球卫星在家庭和学校。 Yes, we saw photographs of it in Pravda .是的,我们看到它的照片在真理报。 It looked totally unreal but quite ,但它看起来很可爱。 A metallic basketball, adorned with a few strange needles like a balding ,与像一个秃顶的豪猪几个怪饰针。 I still remember the signal that our S