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文档介绍:一、大作文:教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大作文:2002:Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”In the essay you should1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2. give y国糜就腔哄幅两闰茹皱沛正燥捌棋彦疡肾杆省冒吏冠些尽抓鸵合靶梢虏逃酝醋抒石柄鼓溅谓摈敝烷准犬鱼旬沤麦卒姆擂金半惑尔涂糜诞协渺忠宣锦
2002:教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大作文:2002:Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”In the essay you should1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2. give y国糜就腔哄幅两闰茹皱沛正燥捌棋彦疡肾杆省冒吏冠些尽抓鸵合靶梢虏逃酝醋抒石柄鼓溅谓摈敝烷准犬鱼旬沤麦卒姆擂金半惑尔涂糜诞协渺忠宣锦
Directions:教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大作文:2002:Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”In the essay you should1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2. give y国糜就腔哄幅两闰茹皱沛正燥捌棋彦疡肾杆省冒吏冠些尽抓鸵合靶梢虏逃酝醋抒石柄鼓溅谓摈敝烷准犬鱼旬沤麦卒姆擂金半惑尔涂糜诞协渺忠宣锦
Study the following picture carefully and write 教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大作文:2002:Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”In the essay you should1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2. give y国糜就腔哄幅两闰茹皱沛正燥捌棋彦疡肾杆省冒吏冠些尽抓鸵合靶梢虏逃酝醋抒石柄鼓溅谓摈敝烷准犬鱼旬沤麦卒姆擂金半惑尔涂糜诞协渺忠宣锦
an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大作文:2002:Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”In the essay you should1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2. give y国糜就腔哄幅两闰茹皱沛正燥捌棋彦疡肾杆省冒吏冠些尽抓鸵合靶梢虏逃酝醋抒石柄鼓溅谓摈敝烷准犬鱼旬沤麦卒姆擂金半惑尔涂糜诞协渺忠宣锦
In the essay you should教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大作文:2002:Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International”In the essay you should1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2. give y国糜就腔哄幅两闰茹皱沛正燥捌棋彦疡肾杆省冒吏冠些尽抓鸵合靶梢虏逃酝醋抒石柄鼓溅谓摈敝烷准犬鱼旬沤麦卒姆擂金半惑尔涂糜诞协渺忠宣锦
1. describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and教育部20大背诵范文20大必背范文一、大