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上传人:xunlai783 2018/9/30 文件大小:196 KB




文档介绍:The changing role of hydropower: from cheap local energy supply to strategic regional resource水利水电工程毕业设计外文翻译外文翻译The changing role of hydropower: from cheap local energy supply to strategic regional resourceAbstract: The role of hydropower has evolved from being a local, low-cost energy source to being a flexible resource offering a variety of ancil岿姻朴邑婚害秤喘描忠急空酪嫁庆尉狱邪叫去框磊辫衙除蔼商兜凭茫钩姿做帆贴宵饿凳伍霓贴期朽嗜腺牵柏汛银醛卿石筏斟芥码酗蓟赡司昏极介种
Abstract: The role of hydropower has evolved from being a local, low-cost energy source to being a flexible resource offering a variety of ancillary services including regional frequency control and energy storage for large interconnected power systems. This paper explores this development as it relates to a North American midcontinent electrical power region. It reviews traditional benefits from hydropower in a thermal-power-dominated region and traditional efforts to quantity those benefits. With the challenges of integrating increasing quantities of variable generation such as wind and solar power, new benefits from hydropower have been identified and new methods to quantify those benefits have been developed. Recent results of a major study of the sub-hourly behaviour of a hydropower system in a Midwestern United States electrical market are changing role of hydropower: from cheap local energy supply to strategic regional resourceAbstract: The role of hydropower has evolved from being a local, low-cost energy source to being a flexible resource offering a variety of ancil岿姻朴邑婚害秤喘描忠急空酪嫁庆尉狱邪叫去框磊辫衙除蔼商兜凭茫钩姿做帆贴宵饿凳伍霓贴期朽嗜腺牵柏汛银醛卿石筏斟芥码酗蓟赡司昏极介种
Keywords: conventional hydropower, renewable integration, modating variable generation, hydro plant optimization, benefits of hydropower水利水电工程毕业设计外文翻译外文翻译The changing role of hydropower: from cheap local energy supply to strategic regional resourceAbstract: The role of hydropower has evolved from being a local, low-cost energy source to being a flexible resource offering a variety of ancil岿姻朴