本文利用脱硫石膏、矿渣和石灰等掺合料改性生土材料,分别采用压制成型和浇筑成型两种成型方式,以提高强度为主要目标对生土材料进行正交试验。结果表明,压制成型时,外掺掺合料的最佳配比为:矿渣 21%,脱硫石膏 %,石灰 %;浇注成型时,外掺掺合料的最佳配比为:矿渣 7%,脱硫石膏 %,石灰 %。改性后的生土材料,抗压强度可以提高 3-6倍,其中,压制成型掺加的改性材料较少,而且强度明显优于浇筑成型。
The raw soil construction has the long time construction history in our country, its distribution and application scope are also quite widespread. Universal recognition the low-carbon life in the society, the circulation economy, the health sustainable development new century, raw soil construction all sorts of superiority also again studies on attracting attention even more with the exploration. However, the traditional raw soil material has fatal flaws, such as pressive strength and low water resistance and volume stability, which restricted its application seriously. Therefore, strengthening its modified research to improve its performance have vital practical significance in expanding the application scope, improving service efficiency and reducing the cost etc.
The research is conducted to utilize desulfurization gypsum, slag and lime modified raw soil material. The orthogonal experiment with strength for the main target dose preliminary exploration for the best mixing of modified soil; which mould pressing and casting. The test result is as follows respectively: Optimum ratio pression: slag 21%, desulfurization %, lime %; Optimum ratio by casting: slag7%, desulfurization gypsum %, %. The strength of modified materials can be improved by 3 to 6 times. The strength of mode with less doped modified material pressing is obviously better than the one through casting.
The research has further discussed that the influence of modified materials on the performance of raw so