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Seventh Edition, Volume 1
January, 1979
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
Murray Hill, New Jersey
Although this Seventh Edition no longer bears their byline, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie remain
the fathers and preceptors of the UNIX† time-sharing system. Many of the improvements here described
bear their mark. Among many, many other people who have contributed to the further flowering of
UNIX, we wish especially to acknowledge the contributions of A. V. Aho, S. R. Bourne, L. L. Cherry, G.
L. Chesson, S. I. Feldman, C. B. Haley, R. C. Haight, S. C. Johnson, M. E. Lesk, T. L. Lyon, L. E.
McMahon, R. Morris, R. Muha, D. A. Nowitz, L. Wehr, and P. J. Weinberger. We appreciate also the
effective advice and criticism of T. A. Dolotta, A. G. Fraser, J. F. Maranzano, and J. R. Mashey; and we
remember the important work of the late Joseph F. Ossanna.
B. W. Kernighan
M. D. McIlroy
†UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories.
This volume gives descriptions of the publicly available features of the UNIX† system. It does not
attempt to provide perspective or tutorial information upon the UNIX operating system, its facilities, or its
implementation. Various documents on those topics are contained in Volume 2. In particular, for an
overview see ‘The UNIX Time-Sharing System’ by Ritchie and Thompson; for a tutorial see ‘UNIX for
Beginners’ by Kernighan.
Within the area it surveys, this volume attempts to be timely, complete and concise. Where the latter
two objectives conflict, the obvious is often left unsaid in favor of brevity. It is intended that each pro-
gram be described as it is, not as it should be. Inevitably, this means that various sections will soon be
out of date.
The volume is divided into eight sections:
1. Commands
2. System calls
3. Subroutines
4. Special files
5. File formats and conventions
6. Games
7. M


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