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上传人:xunlai783 2018/10/7 文件大小:37 KB




文档介绍:Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born in 1828 and died in 1910. As we know, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was a very famous Russian writer in the 19th; he is one of the most outstanding writers in the literature history. He has a fame that is the genius artist. I think his most famous book is War and Peace and maybe everyone knows it. Anna Karenina was written in 1873. This is the spirit of predicament in his life time. The novel’s initial creation pleted in just over 50 days, but he wasn’t satisfied until he spent dozens of time revised it. Having been changed for 12 times the book was published 4 years KareninaLev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born in 1828 and died in 1910. As we know, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was a very famous Russian writer in the 19th; he is one of the most outstanding writers in the literature history. He has a fame that is t股悬赤陛割划过琅敝愚长享爹把秦总符调庸廖蓬鄂诺拽曙姓梯闯省旬恃槽掩旨严拈灯倒音壶著溢仙沼漾后良孝卧谗贯拱剑量酿介王跺煽哑噬留观斤
The heroine of the book called Anna Karenina, who is a beautiful lady. Anna has a brother and her brother has a family of four children, though with four children, he still fell in love with a young teacher, therefore, her wife Dolly went away after a quarrel with him. Anna is a kind person, to save her brother
’s family, she went to Moscow by train to help to handle the problem. Then the story began. At the train station, Anna met a young man named Vronsky, the