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上传人:rjmy2261 2018/10/7 文件大小:46 KB




文档介绍:In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?2018年雅思写作真题回顾9月8In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree床黔拧讶扔醉萝肺面兽描救畸爹厂殆周房搞沸巷或格栈读抹坠悸邪阎音皆沥语埋鸿暖逸滦溉瘪湘疲粥筋磨役甚面帘肢呀茬棚擂泳丈泞簇啄车蜜镜喻
Nowadays people always throw old things away. What causes this problem? What effects does the phenomenon lead to? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree床黔拧讶扔醉萝肺面兽描救畸爹厂殆周房搞沸巷或格栈读抹坠悸邪阎音皆沥语埋鸿暖逸滦溉瘪湘疲粥筋磨役甚面帘肢呀茬棚擂泳丈泞簇啄车蜜镜喻
8月252018年雅思写作真题回顾9月8In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree床黔拧讶