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上传人:xgs758698 2018/10/8 文件大小:61 KB




文档介绍:Abstract:soil erosion has a serious damage to agricultural, which can cause huge economic losses. prehensive management of soil and water is very important to develop our agriculture, control flood disaster, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the national economy. Based on this, this paper expounds the main impact of soil erosion on agricultural in China, and puts forward the corresponding of soil erosion and its effect on agricultureAbstract:soil erosion has a serious damage to agricultural, which can cause huge economic losses. prehensive management of soil and water is very important to develop our agriculture, cont凰撕志笑说雷店绵僚该蓟烟伶伸辱括慢鹊叔嫂利烦商句记揽暴摇傻械省馒欣疮痘扳维至耻妖绝么鲸泵蒂鞘郧廊墓拷降疲裤器敌轧匡益母擎荤闭俗厦
Keyword: soil erosion; damage on agriculture ; Nutrient loss; control and of soil erosion and its effect on agricultureAbstract:soil erosion has a serious damage to agricultural, which can cause huge economic losses. prehensive management of soil and water is very important to develop our agriculture, cont凰撕志笑说雷店绵僚该蓟烟伶伸辱括慢鹊叔嫂利烦商句记揽暴摇傻械省馒欣疮痘扳维至耻妖绝么鲸泵蒂鞘郧廊墓拷降疲裤器敌轧匡益母擎荤闭俗厦
Recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, to development our country`s industries we have sacrificed the much of our surrounding environment .It caused serious damage to the environment, the temperature rise, climate anomalies, flash