文档介绍:1DAVID COPPERFIELDby CHARLES DICKENSAFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED TOTHE HON. Mr. AND Mrs. RICHARD WATSON,OF ROCKINGHAM, . I Am BornII. I ObserveIII. I Have a ChangeIV. I Fall into DisgraceV. I Am Sent AwayVI. I Enlarge My Circle of AcquaintanceVII. My 'First Half' at Salem HouseVIII. My Holidays. Especially One Happy AfternoonIX. I Have a Memorable BirthdayX. I e Neglected, and Am Provided ForXI. I Begin Life on My Own Account, and Don't Like ItXII. Liking Life on My Own Account No Better, I Form a Great ResolutionXIII. The Sequel of My ResolutionXIV. My Aunt Makes up Her Mind About MeXV. I Make Another BeginningXVI. I Am a New Boy in More Senses Than OneXVII. Somebody Turns UpXVIII. A RetrospectXIX. I Look About Me and Make a DiscoveryXX. Steerforth's HomeXXI. Little Em'lyXXII. Some Old Scenes, and Some New PeopleXXIII. I Corroborate Mr. Dick, and Choose a ProfessionXXIV. My First DissipationXXV. Good and Bad AngelsXXVI. I Fall into CaptivityXXVII. Tommy TraddlesXXVIII. Mr. Micawber's GauntletXXIX. I Visit Steerforth at His Home, AgainXXX. A Loss2XXXI. A Greater LossXXXII. The Beginning of a Long JourneyXXXIII. BlissfulXXXIV. My Aunt Astonishes MeXXXV. DepressionXXXVI. EnthusiasmXXXVII. A Little Cold WaterXXXVIII. A Dissolution of PartnershipXXXIX. Wickfield and HeepXL. The WandererXLI. Dora's AuntsXLII. MischiefXLIII. Another RetrospectXLIV. Our HousekeepingXLV. Mr. Dick Fulfils My Aunt's PredictionsXLVI. IntelligenceXLVII. MarthaXLVIII. DomesticXLIX. I Am Involved in MysteryL. Mr. Peggotty's es TrueLI. The Beginning of a Longer JourneyLII. I Assist at an ExplosionLIII. Another RetrospectLIV. Mr. Micawber's TransactionsLV. TempestLVI. The New Wound, and the OldLVII. The EmigrantsLVIII. AbsenceLIX. ReturnLX. AgnesLXI. I Am Shown Two Interesting PenitentsLXII. A Light Shines on My WayLXIII. A VisitorLXIV. A Last RetrospectPREFACE TO 1850 EDITIONI do not find it easy to get sufficiently far away from this Book,in the first sensations of having fi