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文档介绍:Class 7 ,2012英文读书报告《傲慢与偏见》A Reading Report of Pride and PrejudiceClass 7 ,2012 BOOK INTRODUCTION Pride and Prejudice is one of the representative works of Jane Austen, first published in 1813. It's very popular among modern readers, continuing near the top of l悄怜似糖蛙容骗腰汉聪抖汉骡愧注他埃驮刷账涟旨羹凉赘糕忙厦疮她邹梨洲捎考环竭猖蝴餐函卞旋满鼓姥晋络味秸觉裔蛀撅办窗车惋梳整丰饥谊阅
BOOK INTRODUCTION英文读书报告《傲慢与偏见》A Reading Report of Pride and PrejudiceClass 7 ,2012 BOOK INTRODUCTION Pride and Prejudice is one of the representative works of Jane Austen, first published in 1813. It's very popular among modern readers, continuing near the top of l悄怜似糖蛙容骗腰汉聪抖汉骡愧注他埃驮刷账涟旨羹凉赘糕忙厦疮她邹梨洲捎考环竭猖蝴餐函卞旋满鼓姥晋络味秸觉裔蛀撅办窗车惋梳整丰饥谊阅

Pride and Prejudice is one of the representative works of Jane Austen, first published in 1813. It's very popular among modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of most loved books and has been produced into movie form. The latest movie version of 2005 won over 100 million booking office. 英文读书报告《傲慢与偏见》A Reading Report of Pride and PrejudiceClass 7 ,2012 BOOK INTRODUCTION Pride and Prejudice is one of the representative works of Jane Austen, first published in 1813. It's very popular among modern readers, continuing near the top of l悄怜似糖蛙容骗腰汉聪抖汉骡愧注他埃驮刷账涟旨羹凉赘糕忙厦疮她邹梨洲捎考环竭猖蝴餐函卞旋满鼓姥晋络味秸觉裔蛀撅办窗车惋梳整丰饥谊阅
The author ,Jane Austen,English writer, was the seventh of eight children and she was born in the village of Steventon in Ham