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读书报告 傲慢与偏见 英文.doc

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读书报告 傲慢与偏见 英文.doc

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读书报告 傲慢与偏见 英文.doc



学号_20xx013041____ 姓名___潘圣玲______ 班级___英语118班___ 专业____英语_________ 完稿日期_20xx/12/8___ 成绩______________________
Title: Pride and Prejudice
I. Bibliographical information
Author(s):_ Jane Austen______ Edition:_ 段鸿欣编译__________
Year of publication:____ 20xx年x月_______________
Place:___ 北京复兴门外大街2号___ Publisher:___ 中国国际广播出版社____
II. Information about your reading
1. The reasons why you selected the book: (≥20words)_ because Jane Austen was hailed as a truly great British novelist by critics and literary historians in
twentieth century and the novel is regarded as the most classic sense of the novel.
2. The amount of time you spent reading the book: two weeks
3. If you finished reading the entire book, sign your name here:__潘圣玲
If you did not finish reading the book, how many pages did you read? ______
III. A brief summary of the book (≥150words)
Pride and Prejudice is the story of four marriages in British country of 18th century. Jane Austen shows the pictures of the current social life in Britain through the marriage matter, it also reflects her views on marriage. The book describes the
virtuous and emotional entanglements among the single
young Darcy and the second Miss. Elizabeth, and the wealthy single Bingley and the eldest Miss. Jane. The most important love story naturally happens between