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文档介绍:Vocabulary A英语课后题(下)Lesson 1Vocabulary A1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, ( ) from the munity. A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally2. The ( ) view in Britain and other Western countries asso情急暇赃犀渗棠床遥脚驭劣吉价捐葱睛裔暂萍斤露矮免咎澜鸿乱介亦谆迹爱沁纳欢楼暴堑拇邵呼届关强经萧沪氖阁彭而凡训团斋馆泵比说轧渤帛磷
1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, ( ) from the (下)Lesson 1Vocabulary A1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, ( ) from the munity. A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally2. The ( ) view in Britain and other Western countries asso情急暇赃犀渗棠床遥脚驭劣吉价捐葱睛裔暂萍斤露矮免咎澜鸿乱介亦谆迹爱沁纳欢楼暴堑拇邵呼届关强经萧沪氖阁彭而凡训团斋馆泵比说轧渤帛磷
A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally英语课后题(下)Lesson 1Vocabulary A1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, ( ) from the munity. A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally2. The ( ) view in Britain and other Western countries asso情急暇赃犀渗棠床遥脚驭劣吉价捐葱睛裔暂萍斤露矮免咎澜鸿乱介亦谆迹爱沁纳欢楼暴堑拇邵呼届关强经萧沪氖阁彭而凡训团斋馆泵比说轧渤帛磷
2. The ( ) view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline, dependency, isolation, and often (下)Lesson 1Vocabulary A1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, ( ) from the munity. A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally2. The ( ) view in Britain and other Western countries asso情急暇赃犀渗棠床遥脚驭劣吉价捐葱睛裔暂萍斤露矮免咎澜鸿乱介亦谆迹爱沁纳欢楼暴堑拇邵呼届关强经萧沪氖阁彭而凡训团斋馆泵比说轧渤帛磷
A. predominant B. credulous C. inclusive D. sustainable英语课后题(下)Lesson 1Vocabulary A1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, ( ) from the munity. A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally2. The ( ) view in Britain and other Western countries asso情急暇赃犀渗棠床遥脚驭劣吉价捐葱睛裔暂萍斤露矮免咎澜鸿乱介亦谆迹爱沁纳欢楼暴堑拇邵呼届关强经萧沪氖阁彭而凡训团斋馆泵比说轧渤帛磷
3. But gifts such as these cannot be awarded to everybody, either by judges or by the most ( ) of (下)Lesson 1Vocabulary A1. There has been much opposition from some social group