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上传人:书籍1243595614 2018/10/12 文件大小:2.07 MB


../排烟速度与排烟口布置对排烟效果影响的数值模拟.doc [676.30 KB]
../答辩.ppt [1.95 MB]


Building fire is the one of most serious and direct threaten people life safety and property disaster. The fire caused great destruction, it is not only make great social wealth loss, but also have a serious threat to people's life safety. This paper main puter simulation software to research when general building fired , numerical Simulation on the discharge smoke effect of exhaust velocity and smoke outlet decorate. There have no strict requirements to the mechanical smoke exhaust velocity and layout of smoke position in The national norm of building fire,Which make smoke outlet design arbitrariness,so it have a huge promoten space in engineering design. In order to get the best results of smoke exhaust among aspect of building article will divided simulation process into four groups,it describe from four aspect,the exhaust velocity and position of smoke outlet and the form of smoke outlet and when change source of ignition,different smoke outlet have different result. At longes of 25 meters,as wides of 20 meters,as highes of 5 meters,the volume of 2500 cubic meters. Simulation results show that when smoke outlet put above the fire material of building,the efficiency of discharge smoke is best. when smoke outlet put top on one wall of the building room, the effect of discharge smoke is good. When smoke outlet put on middle of one wall in the building room, the result of discharge sm


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