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文档介绍:“A big fish in a small pond”是“小地方的大人物”的意思。例如,In Wenzhou, he was a big fish in a small pond,but when he moved to Beijing, he found that he was just only one among many ,他很了不起。可是搬到北京后,他发现他不过是芸芸众生之一罢了。
当有朋友对你说:“ I hear that Jane got married to a fat cat the other day”时,你千万别以为Jane和一“肥仔”结婚了,实际上他说的是:“我听说几天前Jane和一大款结婚了”。记住:“a fat cat”是“大款”而不是“肥猫”!
1、 cat-and-dog life(在一起居住者)经常吵架的生活。
They lead a cat-and-dog life, so they decided to separate ,于是决定暂时分居。
2、 let the cat out of the bag 无意中泄露秘密,露出马脚。
I wanted mother’s present to be secret, but my sister let the cat out of the bag. 给母亲的礼物我原想保密的,可是妹妹却露了马脚。
3、 like a cat in hot bricks像热锅上的蚂蚁;如坐针毡。
He was like a cat in hot bricks before his driving ,紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
4、 play cat-and-mouse game with sb. 作弄某人,忽冷忽热。
Marry dumped her boyfriend because he always played cat-and-mouse game with her. 玛丽跟她男朋友分手了,因为他总是对她时好时坏。
5、 put/set the cat among the pigeons 引来乱子、是非或麻烦。
The new security guard is a burglar—that will set the cat among the pigeons. 新来的守卫是小偷——这下子可要鸡犬不宁了。
6、 no room to swing a cat 没有(生活,工作等)的足够空间。
There’s no room to swing a cat here. 这里地方过于狭窄。
1、 what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander 适用于一个人也适用于其他人。
If you can arrive late, then so can I: what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 你可以迟到,那我也可以晚来:一视同仁嘛!
2、 not say boo to a goose 形容非常胆小。
3、 goose-flesh (寒冷或恐惧时皮肤上的) 鸡皮疙瘩
1、 like water off a duck’s back (尤指批评)不起作用,对牛弹琴。
Their hints about his behaviour were like water off a duck’s back. 他们示意他举止不当,如同对牛弹琴。
2、 a dead duck 被放弃或将失败的事物。
The plan is a dead duck: there is no money. 计划告吹了,因为没有钱。
3、 a lame duck 处于困境无法自理的人,组织或事物。
The government should not waste money supporting lame 。
1、 a little bird told me that... 我听说(但我不告诉你我是怎么知道的)。
A little bird told me that you had been caught cheating in the English exam. 我听说你英语考试时***被逮到了。
2、 li


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