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How to behave well.doc

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How to behave well.doc

上传人:zbggqyk171 2015/9/11 文件大小:0 KB


How to behave well.doc


文档介绍:How to behave well
Behaving well is the secret of getting on well with others. It is very necessary for students to behave well. A student who is polite is far more popular than a rude one. However, how to behave well is a heated problem which we should draw our attention to. There are some following good suggestions about it.
To begin with, We should be punctual and do things on time as students, which is of importance in our life. And being honest is important as well. Honesty is so good a virtue that it can help us trust each other.
The second thing,we should be friendly to everyone; even you don’t know who he is. If you are friendly to a stranger, he will be friendly to you, too. We should make efforts to help others who get into trouble, because they may help you one day. We aren
’t allowed to say dirty words in public, because it’s impolite.
Third, we should obey the traffic rules. Look out when there’s a traffic jam around you. There’s no shouting and no litter in public. Meanwhile,don’t forget to protect our environment, which is necessary for us . Though we are yo