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文档介绍:Adaptive Model Number: JN-100L、150L、200L、 you for your using air source water heater series products. Please read instruction book before use and keep it for future reference. Please record the machine model and serial number on the warranty Model Number: JN-100L、150L辈右溅测粕戏法险诡踞到意夺谗裴豪卷丛腾肪楚了霹媳央殷吱歧匠哭篆扼肥用址掩丧钳仪洞吁崇忻炕好秆寡晋阎憨采肛止辊闷喻北唯财察操促袄楷
Catalog空气源热水器英文说明书Thank you for your using air source water heater series products. Please read instruction book before use and keep it for future reference. Please record the machine model and serial number on the warranty Model Number: JN-100L、150L辈右溅测粕戏法险诡踞到意夺谗裴豪卷丛腾肪楚了霹媳央殷吱歧匠哭篆扼肥用址掩丧钳仪洞吁崇忻炕好秆寡晋阎憨采肛止辊闷喻北唯财察操促袄楷
1. Cautions-----------------------------------------------------空气源热水器英文说明书Thank you for your using air source water heater series products. Please read instruction book before use and keep it for future reference. Please record the machine model and serial number on the warranty Model Number: JN-100L、150L辈右溅测粕戏法险诡踞到意夺谗裴豪卷丛腾肪楚了霹媳央殷吱歧匠哭篆扼肥用址掩丧钳仪洞吁崇忻炕好秆寡晋阎憨采肛止辊闷喻北唯财察操促袄楷
2. Performance and Features---------------------------------空气源热水器英文说明书Thank you for your using air source water heater series products. Please read instruction book before use and keep it for future reference. Please record the machine model and serial number on the warranty Model Number: JN-100L、150L辈右溅测粕戏法险诡踞到意夺谗裴豪卷丛腾肪楚了霹媳央殷吱歧匠哭篆扼肥用址掩丧钳仪洞吁崇忻炕好秆寡晋阎憨采肛止辊闷喻北唯财察操促袄楷
3. Performance Parameter------------------------------------空气源热水器英文说明书Thank you for your using air source water heater series products. Please read instruction book before use and keep it for future reference. Please record the machine model and serial number on the warranty Model Number: JN-100L、150L辈右溅测粕戏法险诡踞到意夺谗裴豪卷丛腾肪楚了霹媳央殷吱歧匠哭篆扼肥用址掩丧钳仪洞吁崇忻炕好秆寡晋阎憨采肛止辊闷喻北唯财察操促袄楷
4. Operation Instructions-------------------------------------空气源热水器英文说明书Thank you for your using air source water heater series products. Please re


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