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文档介绍:Project Management Institute
Project Management Professional (PMP®)
Contains Candidate Application and
Examination Information
The Project Management Institute (PMI®) sponsors a project management certification
program, the purpose and goal of which is the development, maintenance, evaluation,
promotion, and administration of a rigorous, examination-based, professional
certification credential of the highest caliber – the Project Management Professional
(PMP®) credential.
The PMP Program supports the munity of Project Management
Project Management Project Institute Certification Program Mission Professionals and is designed to objectively assess and measure professional knowledge.
PMP program requirements and eligibility standards are applied fairly, impartially, and
Initiate, establish, consistently with applicable laws. The PMP plies with all USA state and federal
government nondiscriminatory statutes and laws, and grants certification independ-
evaluate, maintain
ently of a candidate’s membership or nonmembership in anization, association
and administer or other group.
professional cre-
dentialing programs To achieve PMP certification, each candidate must satisfy all educational and experi-
to promote and ential requirements established by PMI and must demonstrate an acceptable and valid
level of understanding and knowledge of project management that is tested by the
support project
Project Management Professional Certification Examination. In addition, those who
management practi-
have been granted the PMP credential (certificants) must demonstrate ongoing profes-
tioners and the mitment to the field of project management by satisfying PMI’s Continuing
project management Certification Requirements Program.
Computer-Based Examination Administration
The PMP Certification Examination is offered puter at locations in the United States, its
territories a


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