二 、研究方法简介
1、一般光学显微镜术 2、组织化学和细胞化学术
3、免疫细胞化学术 4、同位素示踪术
5、原位杂交术 6、细胞和细胞化学定量术
7、电子显微镜术 8、组织培养术
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HISTOLOGY OUTLINE Histology is a branch of biomedical science, which studies cells and the extracellular matrix of tissues ans. Tissues are aggregates or gr-oups of anized to perform one or more functions.
There are four basic tissue types in the body: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue. an is made up of several different types of tissues that perform a special function. The small size of cells and ponents makes histology dependent on the use of and improvement in microscopes.
The mon method used in the study of tissues by light microscopy is the preparation of paraffin sections mainly including fixation, embedding and section-ing. Sections are then routinely stained with dyes of hematoxylin and eosin (H & E staining).
ponents that stain more readily with basic dyes are termed basophilic; those with an affinity for acid dyes are termed acidophilic. More detailed interpretation of the body structure rests with electron microscopy, both the transmission and scanning electron microscopy, because of its great magnification and high resolution.
Histochemistry is methods to detect chemical substances in cells and tissues in situ. For example, the periodic acidSchiff (PAS) reaction is a method to demonstrate harides. Most of these methods are based on specific chemical reactions.
They ususlly produce insoluble colored or electondense products that enable the localization of specific substances by means of light or electron microscopy. There are both direct and indirect methods for antigen localization by immunohistochemistry, based on specific antigen-antibody reactions tagged by a visible label.
Several variations of immunohistochemical methods , such as the PAP method and ABC method, have been developed that possess both high specificity and