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HTML5是HTML下一个主要的修订版本,现在仍处于发展阶段。广义论及HTML5时,实际指的是包括HTML、CSS和JavaScript在内的一套技术组合。它希望能够减少浏览器对于需要插件的丰富性网络应用服务RIA,如Adobe Flash、Microsoft Silverlight,与Oracle Java FX的需求,并且提供更多能有效增强网络应用的标准集。HTML5是新兴的Web开发技术,其拥有良好的语义化标签,搭配最新CSS3可以展现出无与伦比的显示效果。
本课题结合HTML5技术和eclipse开发工具,MySQL Server 作为数据库,实现了企业响应式网站及其管理,使得企业官网的展示更精美,管理更便捷。
关键词:HTML5; CSS3; JavaScript; MySQL Server; 响应式网站
With the development work and popularization, the updating and use of all kinds of web technology, now time and cost of building a website has e more and more low, makes the enterprise's official website got great development. From the early simple web pages, to later marketing type site, the work marketing type site, and the reactive sites of the latest most mainstream. Based on the response of the HTML5 responsive website can automatically adapt to screen size, realize the end cover, high-end design, rich in specific page to show more elegant.
HTML5 is HTML next major revision, now is still in the stage of development. Generalized when asked about it actually means, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a set of bination. It hopes to be able to reduce the browser plug-in to need the richness work application service RIA, such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and the demand of the Oracle Java FX, and can provide more effective enhance the standard set work applications. HTML5 is the emerging Web development technology, has good semantic labels, match the latest CSS3 can show a unique display effect.
This bines the technique of HTML5 and the eclipse development tools, MySQL as the database Server, realize the reactive sites and its management, make enterprise website to show more elegant, more convenient management.
Key words: HTML5; CSS3; JavaScript; MySQL Server; Reactive sites
1. 绪论 1


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