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111e 11istoIy of Wushu’s deveIopment tells lls tllat me锄ergence petitive Wushu is the active response of Wushu to the developillg of 11raditional Wushu shows that in tllis new age Wushu h踮made a kind ofbetrayal ofitS n锰ditional ordet It fbllo、Ⅳs tllat the developme址and蛔nsfomlaljon of Wushu is not a
complctely passive response by me passiVe accepta】nce of the、№rld)bm an active interpretation of tl】e world l】ilder s by its possible ’on
t11e way of the explomtion鲫d development petitive Wushll,oⅥ,ing to selfs
imm蛐ess and pIeoeness,tllere appears t11e of Wushu and
tendency Dallcillg
the plight of audience’s ’s why people began t0 petit№w1】sllll and ye踟for its original tradmon in廿le h叩e of tIle rediscover),of its lost spirinlal of tlle pmfound emo硒n towards W如hu and the deep d印endence upon
nation—cofrlplex,there disappears ce瓜n rcason dl砌g“s retunling to the origillal
me paper does here is not for a direct description of i协c山tural
arg啪即tati0Ⅱ,but for a mod咖imelpretatjon of mdi缸0nal t0 the development ofme age and也e necds ofpeople,“s paper makeS a de印er tllinking锄d question曲g towards也e cuItural a唱呦entation in an atteInpt to provide a theo删cal
ce for the better understanding ofTradjtional Wushu.
1Hs paper focllSes on 1’raditioml WUshu aⅡd deals训也issues,such船the
historical context of 1倒tional V^培hu’s deVelopment,iⅡlpetus锄d obstmc畦on,voices
for the retuming to the originalⅡ甜ition,m削hods to view Traditional Wushu,the V油砌ent of T跏itional Wushu’s devclopmem,也e demands of龇opening world to Tr刹tionalⅥ恤mu,as welI as廿le simatiIlg of Tradmonal Wushu in this Ilew cellt峨
arld so a de印research aIld renecdon onⅡlese issues,it is believed that t11e plights corl如med研m T跏itional Wushu nowadays t谢ve hi咖rical reasons,砌ch are
ine、, desire血e ret啪ing to me or远inal乜adition,but觚to do deeper questionmg t0 this“renlming”,wmch made me va