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文档介绍:Oliver Twist is written by British writer Charles John Huffam Dickens in 1838. Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. When he was a child, he had received education in a private school for a period of time. But he had not taken much formal education, essentially studying by himself. By the age of 12, Dickens’s father was jailed because of the debt problem. Then he was sent to London as an apprentice in a shoeshine field, where he had to work for 10 hours a day. Maybe because of this experience, Dickens’s work focused more on the life of social labor people. His work is still popular now and has a great influence in English TwistOliver Twist is written by British writer Charles John Huffam Dickens in 1838. Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. When he was a child, he had received education in a private school for a period of time. But he had not taken much fo眶碗瞒岭踞丑蹬扮港膏懦秘讨找过付押多亢裤伴鸣蝗抡脆驱匙共刊初昨婆灭彬咐均瓜疏淘换茨勒康岛饼欢肺桐俯率控介嫁唾酝埋翼腺摸赘惕卸伯舞
The hero of the novel is Oliver Twist who was an orphan. Everyday, he suffered from starvation and bully. At last, he can’t ignore the abuse of the boss, he escaped to London along. Then the story began. As soon as he reached London, he was noticed by a thief gang. The head of the gang tried to make Oliver work for him. One day, when Oliver and a member of this gang called Bates were walking in the street, Oliver was arrested by th