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文档介绍:Hello! Everybody!
I'm so glad to give a presentation here.
Today let's have a further understand of the film.
The American Film
Have anyone of you seen
the film after our preceding mend?
Video Enjoy!
No matter yes or not, today ,I'll share some lines we like with all of you.
But before having the lines appreciate,let's enjoy a video.....
Video Enjoy!
Father -- 祝藻 Mather -- 张敬尧
Bartleby--余龙辉 Lizzie -- 莫珍芳
Lines appreciate
Now let's go to learning the lines together!
Let's share.....
Ok! The first video is over.
Do you remenber any sentence of the video?
As you heard,this is said by Bartleby's
hearing this,I suddenly realize that I'm so lucky to
have been acceptted by CPU,I must cherish what
I have this moment because maybe it's what that
someone are questing.
LINE①: Society has the first rule is you go to want to have a happy and essful life? You go to college. If you want to be somebody ,you go to college. If you want to fit in ,you go to ,第一条准则就是上大学。你想拥有快乐而成功的人生吗?那就上大学。你想出人头地?那就上大学。如果你想融入社会,就去上大学。
Oral English
LINE②:I've got a shot!我做的很好!
when you get a great achievement or have done something you pround of,you can say "I've got a shot".Of couse ,you can also say"You've got a shot!" to others or "Good job!" or "Well done!"
Have you kept this two sentences in your mind or written down on your notebook?Next another video is waiting for you,let's go!
Lizzie ----- 莫珍芳
The second...
LINE③:That's !
LINE④:You are bluffing with the
When you meetting something incredible or you can't accepted,this two sentences maybe can convey what you want to express.
Let's see .....
The third video...
Bartleby -------王莹莹
Schrader -------张敬尧
Rory -------祝藻
The boy -------余龙辉
I've pick up a sentence from the last video as together.


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