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上传人:992006838 2018/10/30 文件大小:43 KB




文档介绍:人物安排:一人引述旁白总结角色:father mother daughter grandmother
Arrangement of the characters: one quote unquote summarize roles: father mother daughter grandmother
Each character will play before a short monologue, explain their role.
爸爸:I play the part of father., football is my to my daughter ,at the most time,Ican’t understand what she think and what she we need munication.
Dad: I play the part of father football is my to, my daughter, at the most time, Ican t understand what she ' think and what she we need munication.
I play the role of a father, football is my most loved. In most of the time, I can not understand my daughter's idea, do not know what she wants. Maybe we should exchange a lot.
妈妈:I have the role of mother,Kelly. and busy for this family .It’s difficult to chat with my , very diffcult..
Mom: I have the role of mother, Kelly . And busy for this family . It s difficult to chat ' with my , very diffcult.
I play my mother, for the home and busy. My daughter and I can chat.
女儿:I act the role of like everything about fashion and love michael jackson best!!!!!!!!
Daughter: I act the role of like everything about fashion and