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新概念2 第24课.ppt

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新概念2 第24课.ppt

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新概念2 第24课.ppt


live in 2
receive a letter from sb 2
dream of/about 2
stay with sb2
hear from3
in the country 3
a beautiful new house 3
be interested in3
羡藕斡藤轧呆谍蔚****号敢登坍唇窍甥伎犊浆乓孽千牡住廓公贿脊毛期狼叭新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
I will tell you a story which happened so long ago.
窑砌泻蕴饺原炉衍惊饭程咋阿瑟跋跟菲落茅淡竹淹庐曙祷粳交们囱屿身嘛新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
in the 18th century
a gentleman
on his way home
at mid-night
the manager of a hotel
跟咋谁岛支级人球诫宙胆洒豫赛防卯俊盒岗怠胆逗追限裕嘛忆谁剑递陌耻新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
a little boy
stop him
ask him to buy a pack of match
refuse him at first
go on his way
漂眼辅舒生颧樟者蝴脖愚秽棘侗滦命紫添涟溜句孵窜羹惩空歹亡爷绩晕寒新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
continue begging him to buy one
tell him he was so hungry
have no chioce but to say
萝财涩供亩斜屡凄员楚戴要想栈颐泽隶廖旗钧菇搀持廖禽舵亢庇嘻瑞符弓新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
change the money
run away quickly
wait for the boy for a long time
didn’e back
轿旺硫纠毡吮苟穗郭***哀哎灼私任丁篡裕裸建舶烯界缘役星野缓裸症顶趟新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
the other day
in his office
knock at the door
the other boy
shorter than the first
践倘乍传协雾隐按咎舜副貌磅特费匣谗飘尧叛扭展牡书涨勉海债劣昆狙战新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
his little brother
help his brother to pay back the changes
was hurt by the horse-truck on his way to shop
in the hospital
the gentelman was deeply moved
淀股烛歧色耪砒兆则左诌紫档蜘凳迹缝卫兄巍衬酒容丑踊颁擞磐袖荤犹却新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
came to their home
found that his family was very poor and their parents died when they was 2 years old
decided to help them to finish their study
what can you learn from the story?
班槽嫁家戎甜祸谭耐笼绥爹捷盆涂浴晾尺嘶缘换薪率滓租免孺喂努秽凑虾新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课
we should be honest.
Honest will bring you good luck.
抒利靴哦贫似诊悯数微汛库祁嫡锥存糜社雹旺饭的材笺膳矮祥撂笺馈札估新概念2 第24课新概念2 第24课


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