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Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写.ppt

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Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写.ppt

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Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写.ppt


文档介绍:Topic 5 How to Write an Outline for Research Paper
援错翘奏愚树偏拘***读涪桔辽辽浦悠店洛沛祈疆覆迎从拖归凛鹏行警坝督Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写
When you build a house
you should have a ground plan first and an outline is your ground plan for “building” your research paper.
敝厉贼膊鲜窘舅逛熏坷秒橙犬颤踏予蛋亏里价稼惧憨顽瓣升扶梅谬奸穴苗Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写
论文提纲的编写是论文写作过程中基本的十分重要的一步,是在论文写作之前对全文的整体构思, 它帮助我们大致确定论文的基本结构和各部分之间的逻辑关系。因此,它是一种尝试性的构建论文框架的过程。
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The definition and function of
an outline
The procedure of preparing an outline
The general contents of an outline
The principles for writing an outline
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What is an outline ?
An outline is a basic writing plan which consists of a series of phrases or sentences and shows the main points that the paper will cover and the order in which these points will be mentioned.
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What is the function of an outline ?
An outline gives the writer a specific guidance as to what kind of supporting details you should look for in your further research and where you can fit them into the context of your paper. The readers, on the other hand, benefit from the outline as plete and detailed table of contents.
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II. The procedure of preparing an outline
Having a satisfactory thesis statement;
Reviewing all your note cards and bringing related materials together under some general headings;
Arranging these headings according to the development of your thought;
Forming a logical preliminary outline;
Discussing your preliminary outline with your advisor.