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(辽宁医学院附属第三医院内科教研室辽宁锦州 121000 )
【关键词】模拟病房;标准化病人;呼吸内科;临床实****br/>The Application of the Simulation Ward and the Standardized bined in Respiratory Medicine Clinical Practice
Zhang Li, Pei Qi, Lai Guirong , Xie Zhiming, Zhao Lijuan
(Department of Internal Medicine, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University, Liaoning Jinzhou 121000)
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the feasibility and importance of the application of simulation ward and standardized patients (the SP) combined in the clinical practice. Methods : To divide the undergraduate interns of grade 2006 into two groups: the experimental group of 30 and the control group of 30. Both groups apply the simulation ward and the standardized bined in the clinical practice and both are assessed at the end of the practice to evaluate further the teaching effectiveness. Result: pare the final score of the experimental group and the control group, and significant differences are found in the following aspects : humanistic care munication skills, history taking, physical examination, medical record analysis, the theoretical knowledge examinations with the data of P <. Conclu


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