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上传人:jiqingyong11 2018/10/31 文件大小:142 KB




I like not only to ride a bike, and was a little fans? Don’t believe, he went to the house a look at! Wow, is all over the floor all kinds of models : have straight driving, jeeps, car, bus, car, and trucks, trains, and so on, it is a car kingdom. Although these just a toy model, but my ambition but has been determined, I grow up to be a great vehicle designer! So when I speak of these baby models, I look escape fly, words poured have a car of his own real driving straight! It has a wheel, handlebar, foot pedals and the chain and a sensitive 。 Because of its power from human feet, people also called ’foot car’ dad used to tell me: the earliest direct driving is made of wood, want to use double pedal to exercise, and then imp
rove e big front, rear wheel is small, but also put on transmission chain, until 1888, have a DengLuoPu, the essful application of bicycle tires inflated in, just make straight the performance of the driving a significant toys in the draw with various kinds of bus model car, a single, double layer, the long turn can also free expansion? This style of several bus I sat, really. The bus is according to certain lines of operation, some car is someone ticket, some car is unmanned, there are many seat on a bus, and there are many stand space, can carry many passengers, it’s cheap and quick, city transportation is the ponent, suc


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