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1、sail on regular routes and on a fixed timetable.
A、Tramps B、Liners C、Container ships 参考答案:B
2、_____ run in all parts of the world where there is cargo for them to carry.
A、Liners B、Tramps C、General cargo ships 参考答案:B
3、A container ship is ________ type of dry cargo carriers.
A、the most modern B、the most important C、the mon 参考答案:A
4、We are loading inflammable cargo. No one _____ smoke on deck.
A、can B、can’t C、will 参考答案:A
5、______ is used to carry both dry cargo and liquid cargo.
A、A container ship B、An OBO ship C、A bulk carrier 参考答案:B
6、A traditional dry cargo ship is _______.
A、a bulk carrier B、a single-deck vessel C、a multi-deck vessel 参考答案:C
7、The liquefied natural gas carrier is also called ________.
A、chemical carrier B、LNG carrier C、LPG carrier 参考答案:B
8、_______ are the mon type of liquid cargo carrier.
A、Oil tankers B、Container ships C、Bulk carriers 参考答案:A
9、Which of the following is NOT a passenger ship? ______.
A、The ferry B、The cruise ship C、The pilot boat 参考答案:C
10、The refrigerated cargo ship is also called ________.
A、the lighter B、the reefer C、the Ro/Ro ship 参考答案:B
11、Which of the following is like an ordinary ship, but has no engines? _____.
A、A tug B、A lightship C、A lifeboat 参考答案:B
12、________ are motor boats for transporting pilots to and from ships.
A、Life boats B、Tugs C、Pilot boats 参考答案:C
13、________ must be kept away from dry cargoes.
A、Wet cargoes B、Heavy cargoes C、Light cargoes 参考答案:A
14、Vegetables, meat, fish, fruit are carried in _______.
A、ordinary containers B、refrigerated holds C、ordinary cargo holds 参考答案:B
15、______ must be powerful enough to move ships of large size.
A、barges B、Tugs C、Life boats 参考答案:B
16、When standing on a ship and facing the bow, the left-hand side is called ______.
A、the left side B、the port side C、the starboard side 参考答案:B
17、When standing on a ship and facing the bow, the right-hand side is called ______