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上传人:changjinlai 2018/11/1 文件大小:72 KB




文档介绍:Mobile phones were invented to enable people to make phone calls conveniently. However, smart phones broaden the usage extremely wide, for instance, surfing the , sending e-mails and taking photos. Of course, smart phones provide us a more enjoyable life style but there also are some disadvantages. Addiction to smart phones causes munication with families and friends, distractions from work and study and physical damages.
First, smart phones reduce munication between individuals and people around them. Indeed, smart phones enable people to contact each other far away while they also make people ignore their families and friends. For example, many plain that children prefer playing their phones to having a conversation with their families on family gatherings.
Also, smart phones distract people from their work and study. It is not a serious problem that people entertain themselves with their phones when they are having a rest. However, some young people are used to checking their phones when they are working or studying. Unavoidably, it will reduce the efficiency of their work and study.
Finally, addiction to smart phones can impair human body. Studies reveal that playing phones too long will harm tissues and joints of